Virabhadrasana II
What are the benefits of the pose?
Strengthens and tones your abdominal muscles including your transverse abdominis
Improves your posture and balance because it works on the legs, arms, and spine
Opens your chest and hipsBuilds stability because it works on your balance
Stretches your inner thighs, groins, calves and hip flexors
Relieves cramp in the calves and thigh muscles
Increases your endurance
Creates length in your pectoralis major, biceps, front leg hamstrings, back leg psoas, gastrocnemius and soleus complex
Strengthens your deltoids, triceps, middle and lower trapezius and rhomboids
Strengthens your legs including your quadriceps, gluteus medius, soleus, gastrocnemius, adductor magnus and ankles
Stretches your psoas, gluteus maximus, sartorius,
Warrior 2 is a pose that has it all in a way that it is grounding, opening, lengthening and strengthening.