The benefits of Parvakonasana

Parsvakonasana/Side angle is a standing pose that has many benefits:

  • Strengthens your legs including your inner thighs, gastrocnemius, soleus, quadriceps, tibialis anterior and ankles (your quadriceps, inner thighs and calf muscles should be contracted in this pose)

  • Stretches your obliques and transverse abdominal muscles

  • Strengthens the muscles around your shoulder joints/deltoids

  • Strengthen your arms including your triceps (your triceps are contracted in this pose)

  • Strengthens your serratus anterior

  • Strengthens your TFL (Tensor fascia lata)

  • Stretches your trapezius and erector spinae

  • Reduces fat around waist and hips

  • Relieves sciatica nerve and arthritic pains

  • Increases peristaltic activity and aids elimination (peristaltic is a type of involuntary muscle movement that occurs in your digestive system.)