Back pain? Stretch your QL

Quadratus Lumborum or QL muscle is located at the back, on the right and left sides of posterior abdominal wall. It’s interesting to know that QL is the deepest muscle of our abs and it connects the spine to the pelvis. The origin of it is the iliac crest and the top part of it is connected to our 12th/the bottom rib.

But why is it important to pay attention to this muscle? the main reason is because sometimes we experience back pain due to a prolonged seated position, muscle fatigue, tightness and lack of enough blood flow in specific muscles including QL. We also need to be aware that the weakness in our gluteus and abdominal muscles and kyphosis can increase the pain significantly.

Stretching our QL muscle will release some of the pain so here is a short video for you to learn how to work on it properly.

You can practice this exercise anywhere even if you are in your office!

Give it a try and let me know if you have any questions.