Warrior I
Virabhadrasana I
Vira means hero and bhadra means friend
Please find below the instruction on how to do this pose:
You can start in Tadasana or mountain pose.
Inhale and step your right foot forward in a 90 degree angle and left foot back in 45. The feet are 4 to 4 and half apart. Keep in mind that the distance between your feet is always depends on your height too. You can keep your heels in one line or right heel to your left arch. If you need to go wider and it feels better for your hips and knees then that's the alignment which works for your body. So do that!
On your exhale bend your right/front knee and keep your left/back leg straight. If you can keep your right shin perpendicular to the floor, go for it but if you experience discomfort in the knee, take your shin bone higher. Your right knee ideally should not extend beyond the ankle and try to keep it in line with the heel. On your inhale take the arms up, join the palms, and stretch the spine from your coccyx.
Pay attention to the sides of your torso, your spine and your arms. Stretch and elongate them as much as you can as if you want to reach the sky. Soften the shoulders and gaze at your thumbs. Hold this pose for 5 deep breaths and switch sides.
Practice it and let me know you if have any questions :)