It has been a very interesting conclusion for me that back pain can be one of the main reasons people see a doctor. The other reasons can be catching a cold, skin problems, mental health, diabetes, high blood pressure or getting vaccinated.
So why do we suffer from back pain? The answer is simple: we sit too much. The good news is that we can do something about it. There are certain poses in yoga that have a great impact on your body, especially on your spine. Such as Utthita Trikonasana/ Extended Triangle Pose.
Utthita means extended, stretched. Tri means three and kona means angle.
What are the benefits of this pose?
Lengthens your arms, spine and legs
Strengthens your arms, shoulders and legs
Strengthens your ankles and feet
Improves your balance
Strengthens your psoas, rectus abdominis, obliques
Works on your back muscles including serratus anterior
Stabilizes your pelvis, hips and gluteus
Stand in Samastithi, step back your right foot and keep it at a 90 degree angle. Turn your left foot in and keep your feet 3 to 3 1/2 feet apart. Raise the arms to keep them in line with your shoulders with palms facing down. Inhale & with an exhalation take your right arm to your right side and lengthen the right side of your torso as much as possible and take the trunk down and bend. You can place your right hand to a block outside of your right ankle or on your shinbone or you can hold on to your big toe with the first two fingers and your thumb. Try to keep your legs straight, engaged and tighten the knees. Extend your left arm towards the ceiling and your drishti or focal gaze is your left thumb. Keep the left arm in one line with your shoulder and your right arm. If you imagine there is a wall behind you, the back of the head, your right hip and your upper back have to be in contact with the wall. The back of the legs and chest and the hips should be in a line. Inhale to exit the pose mindfully and exhale to go to the centre to switch sides.